Sean Balogun Samy
2 min readFeb 10, 2022

IF you're just starting out, it can be tasking. While I won't tell you what to do to make money online, I'd advise you to consider the following

1. Clean up your Social media handles of all the shenanigans & Exuberance of youth.

You know all those nude art and other stuff you post. Go and change their privacy to "only me". When people want to do business with you, they check out your history, to some people it might not count, but nothing shows unseriousness like a page covered with comedy and nude pictures.

2. List your goals - Discover your why.

Is it freedom, Money, time, family? You really need to understand your why. It's what will keep you going when the going gets tough.

3. I'd advise you to look for 3 skills and learn them.

Among the 3, Sales must be part of it.

Selling online is the number one skill to learn because if you don’t know how to sell yourself, even if you’re good at some other skill, no one else will know

4. Niche down.

This is probably the most important aspect. Choose a sub-niche and dominate it like a god.

Some of the easiest are affiliate marketing and E-commerce.

5. Be consistent.

Making money online isn't a one day-in-one-day-out-game. It requires you to nurture and grow a following and this takes time and effort.

6. Build a list.

You’ve probably heard people say the money’s in the list. Be it WhatsApp or email list.

Build a list of loyal followers who know, like, trust, recommend & most importantly buy from you.

7. Learn to get traffic.

The most important part of any business is marketing. I.e getting new people to know about you.

You can do this by running ads or attraction marketing. I'd say you should combine both.

8. Enjoy yourself.

Learn to step out and rest at times. Working online can get so tasking that you forget the very purpose you choose to work online and make Money Online.

It can also lead to a lot of mental stress.

Particularly, I struggled with niching down cos I thought it was limiting but I ended up finding out that without niching down, no one will know you for anything specific and you won’t be able to command the big bucks.

It also means you'll be jumping from pillar to post & won't be able to focus on any one skill or make money from it.

Hope this helps you.


PS: If you're running an e-commerce business, send a DM let's drive more customers to your website with Facebook Ads.

